
Jan 28, 2010

I want the Apple iPad, PERIOD!

No matter what sanitary jokes going around on the Internet about the Apple iPad, it is as usual a great new product from Apple that will be revolutionize the way people read books, magazines, suft the web, email, watch videos and go about their digital activities. I want the Apple iPad, PERIOD!

Here's A Comprehensive Guide of the Apple iPad


Free iPad said...

I'm not too sure about the iPad. Looks a lot like an enlarged iPod Touch, and it's a shame that it runs on pretty much the same OS as the iPhone. However, I like the price tag, and some of the features of it (keyboard, multi-touch etc.) seem pretty neat.

I guess we'll just have to see how it goes down.

Bathroom Faucets said...

Nice to know about Apple iPad

Reno Real Estate said...

Nice Video really i have got useful and Informative information from this blog Please keep it up...

paula@sleeping guide said...

Me too I want an Ipad!!

Helen Toskana said...

Do love all the products from Apple!
Suppose that it'll be a great one definitely!

gallery 802 said...

Its nice information about Apple products.

gallery802 said...

i know that apple products having a good market in all over the world.....thanks for sharing this apple

free classified said...

How does the new apple ipad tablet benefit the economy and businesses?

iPad Remote Desktop said...

I want an iPad as well lol :D doesnt everyone!