
Jul 19, 2007

Secrets of Successful Blogging

The books I won in Matt Huggings "Win Free Business Books" contest finally came through the mail yesterday. I can't wait to devour them and will be sharing the many successful blogging tips I expect to learn from the books with all of you in posts to come.

I love reading, and I love wining free books even more!

Still on the topic of books, Brian Lee of Genius Types is giving away a brand new copy of The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferris. I've noticed a few other bloggers giving this book a thumbs up and a "must-read" stamp. And when Brian publicly states that it is the most exciting book he'd read in a long time, you better believe him and go get a copy.

I want to escape the 9-5 rat race, work 4-hour week, enjoy yearly mini retirement and join the new rich! If I don't win this book from Brian, I'll definitely rush down to the local bookstore a get a copy.

P.S. I love reading in the great outdoors, in public parks or by the lake. And to shield my eyes from the harmful UV rays emitted from the harsh tropical sun, I've decided to enter a contest to win a cool pair of Pilgrim sunglasses courtesy of Natural Health Remedies.


Matt Huggins said...

Glad to see they made it there okay! Congrats again! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for entering the contest :)